You can reach out with the gospel of Jesus Christ by joining one of our outreach teams. Just click on an outreach, fill out the interest form, and someone will get back with you soon. Participation in outreaches does require that we have a Volunteer Application on file. If you have not filled one out, please stop by the Welcome Center and pick one up right away.

In warm weather months, the Clothing Trailer Team goes to nearby communities to offer free clothing, prayer, and a message of hope in Jesus to local residents. Their next outreach will be listed in the spring of 2017. For more information, email Pastor Kylan Booser below.

In warm weather months, the Street Witnessing Team goes to nearby communities to offer prayer and a message of hope in Jesus to local residents. Their next outreach will be listed in the spring of 2017. For more information, email Rob Molnar below.

In the summer months, the Farmers Market Team goes to the Shelby Co. Courthouse Square in Sidney every Saturday morning to give free clothing, hotdogs, & water to grateful residents. Their next outreach will be listed in the spring of 2017. For more information, email Pastor Kylan Booser below.

Once or twice a summer we do a Light Up the Square event in a local community. We do it on the courthouse lawn or in a park, and we encourage families to join us for an evening of music and fun. The event features a band, free food, bounce houses and games for kids, and a message of hope at the end of the night. For more information, email us below.