People want to feel at home in their church, and there are many ways to do that at Only Believe Ministries.
It can be as simple as getting to know the folks who sit near you in service, or having coffee or lunch with someone after church. You never know how important it might be for someone to discover you’ve noticed them, and to be told that you care.
It’s important to Connect. When you are connected with people in your church you can give and receive encouragement, touch lives, and carry burdens for others – all of which are beautiful ways to feel at home, and to make someone else feel that way, too.
It’s important to Serve. Each one of us has something to give, a part to play, and a talent to use. God made us to grow, work, and shine together because we are the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). Serving in your church helps you give and receive … giving of your time and talent, and receiving a feeling of satisfaction for helping others.
It’s important to Reach. We all have family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers who need Jesus. Reaching out with the gospel of Jesus Christ can happen every day as you encounter the people around you, and it can also happen in events where you join with others in the church to make an impact in a local community.
It’s time to feel at home. It’s time to use the gifts that God has given you. It’s time to reach out and touch a life.
It’s time to …